
Join the Conspiracy!


Definition circa 1300: From Latin “conspirare”-  “com” which means “together” + “spirare” meaning “to breathe.”  So, literally “conspire” means “to breathe together.”

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the word “conspiracy” is from 1386; “conspiracy theory” is from 1909. Before 1386 the word “conspire” simply meant to breathe together.

Pax: the kiss of peace, also known as conspiratio, was practiced by early Christians, and later by the Knights Templar. Two people would greet by touching the lips and breathing together. The Catholic Church slowly eradicated the practice, and after the word “conspiracy” was born, the root word “conspire” took on a new meaning – to plot something wrong, evil or illegal.

 Modern definition of conspire : 1. To agree together, especially secretly, to do something wrong, evil, or illegal; 2. To act or work together toward the same result or goal., 2010

The power of breathing together was hidden for centuries due to the misdirection of a powerful word.
Do As One is reclaiming the true meaning of "conspire", breathe with us on 11/11, and join the conspiracy!

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